About Me

I'm Jordan and I am a Full Stack Developer who loves to learn and problem solve, especially when it comes to building applications. I graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology and a Minor in Applied Mathematics.

My first exposure to programming was during my freshman year at UW, where I took two Java classes. My favorite part about programming was learning how to think and approach algorithm problems, and eventually solving them. I spent many hours on Practice-It studying Binary Trees and Linked Lists.

A few years later, I took a Web Development class, while also working with MATLAB in my Applied Math (AMATH) classes. I decided to pursue a career in Software Engineering when I realized that the Shooting method I learned in AMATH was nearly identical to the the Binary Search algorithm. I enrolled in Lambda School to learn full stack development and have loved every minute of it.


Here are some applications I have built. For additional skill sets and abilities, please look at my resume.

Quality Hub Landing Page

Quality Hub & InterviewQ


Quality Hub is a marketplace and community where job seekers can connect with career coaches to receive feedback and develop their skills. InterviewQ focuses on mock interviews, powered by video-conferencing, a review and feedback system, as well as a scheduling system.

Built with React, Apollo Client, Apollo Federation, GraphQL, and PostgreSQL. Collaborated with 7 other developers and a UX designer over 3 months.


  • Implemented Apollo Federation to connect seperate APIs. One API was for user data and authorization, and another API for coach posts, schedulings, and reviews
  • Designed search filter for coach postings through Prisma
  • Tested APIs with Jest and Supertest

Silent Auction

Silent Auction

Front-end Repo / Back-end Repo

A web application where people can auction items for sale or bid on items and win. Design implemented with Material UI.

Built with React, Context API, Express and PostgreSQL.


  • Developed both front-end and back-end services
  • Applied client-side and server-side logic to prevent users from making invalid bids
  • Used Material UI to implement mobile styles

Create Your Own Adventure

Create Your Own Adventure


A web application where you can create your own story with multiple decisions and endings. You can invite other users to contribute to your story and share them with the world. Uses a graphical node interface to create decision trees to help users develop their stories.

Built with React, Express and PostgreSQL in less than 48 hours. Awarded for 'Best Overall' at Lambda School's Winter Hackathon 2020 over 30 projects!


  • Created user interface for reading a story, including an undo feature
  • Designed API for CRUD operations on stories and collaboration between users
  • Created middleware to prevent users from adding themselves as collaborators to any story

Legends of Lambda maze

The Legend of Lambda


Legend of Lambda is a Multi-User Dungeon game. Rooms contain computer science questions and users are encouraged to explore the whole map to collect all of the questions. Pusher is used to allow for real-time communication between online players.

Built with React, Context API, Django, Python and PostgreSQL.


  • Designed BFS-like algorithm for random room and path generation
  • Created relational data between players, rooms, and items using PostgreSQL and Django ORM.
  • Used Pusher library to allow real time communication between players

Monthly Budget Planner


Plan multiple monthly budgets, with expenses covering different categories such as transportation, housing food, medical, and taxes. A pie chart and bar graph render dynamically based on changes to your budget, showing expense breakdown and total costs vs income.

Built with Angular, Express, and DynamoDB.


  • Designed charts to display data dynamically based on user input
  • Hosted database and application on Amazon Web Services

Hacker News Cover

Simple Hacker News

Front-end Repo / Back-end Repo

A web application I built when learning how to create a GraphQL API for the first time. Users can share links, upvote links, and create discussion with other users via comments.

Built with React, Apollo Client, GraphQL with Prisma and Yoga, PostgreSQL.

trip splitter

Trip Split


A web application where users can document their trips and expenses. You can add specific expenses for a person and it calculates the amount that each person owes at the end.

Built with React, Redux, Express and PostgreSQL.


  • Led front end development and design
  • Used Ant Design library for consistent UI
  • Created algorithm for calculating total expenses for each person on trip